Project: Restaurant HR Helper

Restaurant HR Helper(RHRH) is a desktop application that helps to streamline restaurant operations by allowing managers to easily organise and keep track of their customers, employees, suppliers and reservations in their restaurants.

My Contributions to the project

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Features Implemented

  1. Implemented the add,edit and delete Customer functionality.
    • What it does: Add/Edit/Delete a Customer with the required and optional fields to the list of Customers.
    • Justification: We need to separate the different people, between employees, customers and suppliers and thus, we separated the functions of Customers.
  2. Implemented the find customer functionality.
    • What it does: Finds all customers that contain the string of words that user has inputted to find.
    • Justification: This feature allows managers to filter the Customer list based on any keyword they wish to search for such as searching for how many customers have 3000 loyalty points.
  3. Implemented the list customer functionality.
    • What it does: Clears all filters and shows the entire list of Customers.
    • Justification: Easy way to clear all filters and display the entire list of customers again. It also serves as a quick way to switch to the customer list if a user is currently viewing another list in RHRH.

Enhancements to existing features

  • Enhanced the Allergies and Special Requests classes by allowing them to be optional.
  • Added and improved integration and unit testing for all Customer related functionality. (Pull Requests #63, #189)
  • Beautified UI UI aesthetics

Contributions to team based tasks

  • Removed all backend instances and usages of Person class entirely.
  • Restructured test cases and main for usages of CommandResult class.
  • Implemented logic for earlier iterations of Find command.

Review and Mentoring contributions

  • PRs reviewed with comments(non-exhaustive): PRs #227, #191, #99, #92

Contributions beyond the team project

Contributions to the User Guide (UG):

  • Documented all Customer related functionality in the UG
  • Removed remaining traces of AB3 related information from UG.

Contributions to the Developer Guide (DG):